Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cemetery Tour Coming in March.

Keep a lookout on this page, our Facebook page and in the local media for the announcement of our first annual Old City Cemetery tour.  Some of our cemetery "residents" will come to life and tell you about their life and the impact they had on our local history.  Some names include:  Annie E. Livingston Saunders Hardin, Maria Copely Ludeling, Narcissa Garrett, Robert Endom, Joseph Bennett McGuire and his wife Louisa Lamy McGuire, Julia Dabbs, and a Confederate Soldier buried in an unmarked grave.  The date will be coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. My name is David Endom and I am a direct blood decendant of Fred and Robert Endom. I would like to know more about your tour or how I could help. Email: davidendom2@yahoo.com
